Thursday, December 26, 2019

My Nursing Philosophy My Philosophy Of Nursing Practice

Nursing philosophy My philosophy of nursing practice is being kind to others. I use my knowledge and skills to help people. I also respect patients’ preferences, values and choices even though they differ from mine. I will try to understand and show empathy to my patients through seeing them beyond their illness and provide holistic and culturally sensitive care. Nursing is not just a job that looks after the sickness, rather, it is about the humanity, about being a human for another human. As a profession, nursing is accountable for patients or clients, communities and society. Therefore, my practice should always adhere to professional standards, guidelines and professional codes of conduct. I have a commitment to quality of care†¦show more content†¦My professional learning plan, therefore, focuses on both clinical practice—being prepared for transitional practice, and academic training—developing advanced research skills. While developing my learning plan for career development, I also engaged Donald Super’s five stages self-concept theory (Super 1953) and Benner’s five levels of clinical competence (Benner 1984). According to Super (1953), between the age 25 to 44 is the establishment stage when a person experiences a process of settling down and then advance the career. It requires the person to build entry-level skills and stabilises position through work experience. As I am a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) nurse , it could take 2 to 3 years for a CALD nurse to adapt into a new working environment (Jeon Chenoweth 2007). Therefore, my five-year professional learning plan was developed with a focus on the next two years (Table 2). Three strategies These three strategies can support my both professional and scholarly development in becoming a clinical research nurse. 1) Mentor and networking The emotional stress and the needs to develop competence are commonly challenging newly graduated nurses (Oermann Garvin 2002). Mentoring or coaching young professionals can support them in career development and resilience (Davidson, Elliott Daly 2006). Mentors play various roles in clinical settings, such as advisers and counsellors (Ali Panther 2008). Their support does not limit toShow MoreRelatedMy Philosophy Of Nursing Practice929 Words   |  4 PagesPHILOSOPHY OF NURSING 2 My Philosophy of Nursing Practice: What Does Nursing Mean to Me? â€Å"Why do you want to be a nurse?† A question that has been asked more times than can counted on fingers. As a nursing student, you are encouraged to discover why nursing spoke to you. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The American Role During The Vietnam War Still Sparks Much...

The American role in the Vietnam War still sparks much debate today. There is a sharp focus on the Americans role in the Vietnam War because of the tragic end for the South Vietnamese. The United States faced much criticism world wide through literature during the war that continued after the war ended in 1975. The American governments reasoning for getting involved was to prevent the spread of communism in South Vietnam and to essentially prevent the domino effect. South Vietnam had no hope of winning a civil war against the North Vietnamese without the United States assistance. The Americans involvement was unjust in the Vietnam War because they failed to finish what they promised to end and in result of that, a betrayal to South Vietnam. By 1883, Vietnam was under French rule. Even though the French were not living directly in Vietnam, the French policies did. France had divided Vietnam into three countries; Hanoi, Hue and, Saigon. Hanoi and Hue were protectorate capitals, and Saigon was the colony capital. France had taken over Laos, Cambodia and, Vietnam, also known as French Indochina. Some of the Vietnamese people accepted the French rule because it was just easier to accept rather than rebel. The people took the good with the bad and realized there was not much they could do, which ultimately made the French much more superior. Even though, physically, Vietnam was its own standing country, they could not support themselves economically. There was no realShow MoreRelatedTelevision Has Changed Our Lives1592 Words   |  7 Pageschanged the way that society views things and it was the precursor to the internet and allowed people to see things from all over the world, every night the nightly news would bring all these things to everyone’s living rooms. It also effected how Americans became consumers through commercials. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Finally Provision Letter Of Advice Verdict †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Finally Provision Letter Of Advice Verdict? Answer: Introducation This report involves three important stages. That is, interview between Aimee Bergeron and migration agent, preparation of file note that will help in identification of the issues and finally provision of the letter of advice on accounting verdict. Interview between migration agent and Aimee Bergeron Migration agent: (a knock at the door). Please come in. Aimee Bergeron: Thanyou sir for the offer. (after getting into migration office headquarter). Migration agent: welcome to Australian migration office headquarter. My name is Bob Lee the migration agent situated in Australia. Please have a seat. Aimee Bergeron: Thankyou again sir. My name is Aimee Bergeron from Belgium. Migration agent: Wow Belgium? (smiling). How can I help you Aimee? Aimee Bergeron: First, it is a lot of pleasure to meet you sir. My main aim to visit this office is to enquire some information regarding student visa application. Migration agent: That is alright miss Aimee. When exactly did you arrive economy in Austrilia? Aimee Bergeron: I actually arrived on March 17th 2017 on a working holiday (class TZ) visa here in Australia. Migration agent: That is so great. (amaized by Aimee visit in the migration office). Aimee Bergeron: However, my main business in migration office is to enquire whether it is possible to apply for student visa while am still residing here in Austrilia. Please clarify to me sir. Migration agent: I tell you this miss Aimee, it is a great idea you have there but..(interrupted by Aimee). Aimee Bergeron: (dissapointed). But what? Not possible? Migration agent: No Aimee. But a lot of legal formalities need to be followed so as to given the student visa. So my answer is yes. Aimee Bergeron: (relaxed). That is better sir. I need your help on the procedures used to apply and receive the student visa within the most appropriate time. Migration agent: since you are an international citizen on working holiday visa, the laws of the land will exempt you from the tedious legal procedure (Frank, 2013). Especially in student visa application. Aimee Bergeron: (smiling). Wow. Thankyou very much sir for the assistance. So where do I start. Migration agent: You are required to provide all the documents to the student visa registrar and the pay equitable levy fee for the same (Koser, 2007). Otherwise you student visa should be out within the next two days. Aimee Bergeron: Thankyou Mr.Lee. I really appreciate. Migration agent: All the best Miss Aimee. I will prepare file note and letter of advice on the same. Welcome again. Aimee Bergeron: Thankyou. Am humbled. Bye bye. File note This file note relate to the issue of student visa application by Aimee Bergeron who is in working holiday visa here in Austrilia. She is a Belgium citizen. Following her desire to apply for student visa while still residing in Austrilia, the office of migration need to process her application within the stipulated time provided by the law. Letter of advice This letter of advice relate to the application of student visa by Aimee Bergeron. This office is satisfied the named client is on working holiday visa in Australia. Therefore we advise her to provide all the relevant business documents to student visa registrar plus levy fee. The student visa can be collected frrom our offices in the next few days. References Koser, K. (2007). International Migration: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. Frank, S. (2013). Laws of Migration. Gallery Books.Management.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Jelousy Essay Example

Jelousy Essay There are evil people in this world; greedy, manipulative, overbearing and jealous.Iago, in William Shakespeares Othello, is an evil, malignant character.He uses peoples goodness, integrity, and ignorance to get what he wants.When Othellos position is higher through character and status, Iago becomes jealous and decides that Othello must be eliminated. Iago is aware of the jealousy inside himself.Othello is a good man at heart, but is not aware of his evil and jealousy, and therefore will not be able to control it.Iago takes advantage of this and uses Othellos trust to manipulate Othello into revealing his true character. Iago, like any great manipulator, moves indirectly so he is never suspected.He uses Roderigo to get to Cassio, Desdemona, and Othello.Once the peace is disrupted, Iago moves directly to Othello. Everyone trusts Iago and believes that he is trying to do the best for them.Iago uses Roderigo to get Cassio in trouble with Othello.Since Roderigo is in love with Desdemon a, I confess it is my shame to be so found (of Desdemona)(Act 1. Sc 3. Ln 360), Iago tells Roderigo that Cassio is in love with her and she in love with Cassio.Desdemona is directly in love with him.(Act2. Sc1. Ln240) This upsets Roderigo and he is more prone to fight Cassio when told by Iago to do so. Roderigo does not just have Othello to compete with anymore; he has Cassio as well. Iago tells Roderigo that he can win Desdemona from Cassio by fighting and from Othello by following her to Cyprus. So Roderigo listens to and trusts the man, fights Cassio, sells his land and brings Iago to Cyprus.After the fight Cassio is dismissed from his office by Othello. Iago wins. Cassio is in trouble, is no longer Othellos lieutenant and Iago is in Cyprus with Othello.He then moves in on Cassio.Cassio is another step closer for Iagos plan to cause Othellos demise.Iago convinces Cassio to ask Desdemona, Othellos wife,