Monday, May 27, 2019
Blackwater USA security
Blackwater Worldwide in the past called Blackwater USA Security-Blackwater is the name for the peat-colored water of the swamp, is the U. S. government activity has inaudibly hired to maneuver in inter rural areaal war zvirtuosos and on American soil. The contacts run from deep within the war machine and parole agencies to the upper echelons of the dust coat House. This comp each that is a self-described private military company founded in 1997 by a man named Erik Prince and Al Clark which is also the same company also referred to as the security contactor or mercenary organization by the international reporters, the founder Erik Prince a former Navy SEAL.Prince attended the Naval Academy, graduated from Hillsdale College, and was an intern in George H. W. supplys White House. Prince is a major financial fight downer of Republican Party causes and candidates emerged from ancestors that was one of the top reservoir rollers of, not only the Republican revolution of the nineties that brought Newt Gingrich and the Contract with America to authority, but also the growing of what the spiritual accurate or the Christian conventional lobby group. Erik Princes family gave the kernel bills for Gary Bauer to found the Family Research Council.The founder Erik Prince of the Blackwater USA security is a major bank roller of chairman Bush, his cronies, and the Christian conservative movement in this nation and in 2002 Blackwater Security Consulting (BSC) was formed. It was one of several private security soakeds use following the U. S. invasion of Afghanistan. BSC is one of over 60 private security tautens employed during the Iraq War to guard officials and installations, train Iraqs sassy army and police, and provide other support for occupation forces.Blackwater was also hired during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina by the Department of fatherland Security, as well as by private clients, including communications, petrochemical and insurance companies in Over all the company has received over US$1 billion in government contracts. In administration Blackwaters president Gary Jackson, is also a former Navy SEAL and Cofer Black, the companys current vice chairman, was director of the CIAs Counterterrorist Center (CTC) at the quadrupleth dimension of the September 11, 2001 attacks.He was the unite offers Department of tell apart coordinator for counterterrorism with the rank of ambassador at large from December 2002 to November 2004. After leaving public service, Black became chairman of the in camera owned intelligence gathering company Total Intelligence Solutions, Inc. , as well as vice chairman for Blackwater. Joseph E. Schmitz holds an executive position in Blackwaters prop company, Prince Group. He was precedingly inspector general of the Department of Defense, an appointment of George W.Bush. Robert Richer was vice president of intelligence until January 2007, when he formed Total Intelligence Solutions. He was at once the hea d of the CIAs Near East Division. 2021 Black is presently senior advisor for counterterrorism and national security issues for the 2008 Presidential election bid of Mitt Romney. Blackwater is based in the U. S. A in the state of North Carolina, where it operates a tactical training facility that it said to be the worlds largest.The company trains more than 40,000 people a year, from U. S. A or foreign military and police services, as well as other U. S. A government agencies. The training consists of military offensive and defensive portioning and in smaller scale human resources security. Expertise and modus operandi expert are not limited by U. S. domestic law although we are not yet certain(predicate) what legal status Blackwater operates in the U. S. and other countries and the fortification of the U. S. extends to Blackwater which is operations globally.Blackwater is the mysterious story of the ascending of a powerful mercenary army, ranging from the blood-soaked streets of F allujah to rooftop firefights in Najaf to the hurricane-ravaged US disjuncture to Washington DC, where Blackwater executives are hailed as refreshed conquerors in the war on terror. Blackwater USA Security has massive of slightly 6,000 acres of the Great Dismal dowse acre training facility as part of its headquarters, Moyock in North Carolina (just south of the Virginia border).The firm has additional offices in Baghdad, Iraq, and Kuwait City this is according to The About Blackwater element of its website states Blackwater Training Center which was founded in 1996 to fulfill the anticipated demand for government outsourcing of firearms and related security training. Blackwater has the finest private firearms training facility in the U. S. Blackwater has set a brisk standard for firearms and security training and is recognized as the industry leader in providing government outsource solutions in training, security, canine services, aviation support services, range construction and steel target equipment.Since its inception however, the main work of Blackwater has been deploying its own mercenary army recruited from elite U. S. military forces especially from Navy SEALS and naval Recon, SWAT police forces, and international soldiers of fortune. In February it started training former Chilean commandossome of whom served under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochetfor use in Iraq. Blackwater has trained over 50,000 military and law enforcement personnel and provided solutions to hundreds of satisfied customers.This is an extraordinary delineation by one of Americas nigh exciting young radical correspondents called Jeremy Scahill the undercover journalist in his new book Blackwater talks about The Rise of the Worlds Most Powerful Mercenary Army where he says that Blackwater is the honored Praetorian Guard for the global war on terror with its own military base. Blackwater is presently the largest of the U. S. evoke Departments three private sanctuary contr actors, providing a total of 987 contractors.The correspondent in his book writes that Blackwater mercenary firm vehemently demonstrates the grave jeopardy of outsourcing the governments cartel on the use of force many of which are U. S. citizens. At least 90 part of its proceeds come from government contracts, two-thirds of which are no-bid contracts. Blackwater Worldwide is currently contracted by the United States government to provide security services in the Iraq War. In October 2007, Blackwater USA rebranded them as Blackwater Worldwide.Blackwater Worldwide has played a substantial role during the Iraq War, as a contractor for the United States government, especially in 2003 Blackwater received its offset printing high-profile contract when it received a $21 million no-bid contract for guarding the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority, L. Paul Bremer. Since June 2004, Blackwater has been paid more than $320 million out of a $1 billion, five-year State Department the f inancial statement for the Worldwide Personal Protective return, which protects U. S. officials and some foreign officials in conflict zones. In 2006, Blackwater won the paying(prenominal) contract to protect the U.S. embassy in Iraq, which is the largest American embassy in the world. It is anticipated by the Pentagon and company representatives that there are 20,000 to 30,000 armed security contractors works in Iraq. Of the State Departments dependence on private contractors like Blackwater for security purposes, U. S. ambassador to Iraq, Ryan Crocker, told the U. S. Senate There is simply no way at all that the State Departments Bureau of diplomatical Security could ever have sufficient full-time personnel to provide the security occupation in Iraq. There is no unconventional except done contracts.According to the republicans of early this year 2008, Blackwater USA security will leave the bureau armed and dangerous because Blackwater is the absolutely mesmerizing an explosive story of how the Bush judicature has spent hundreds of millions of public dollars edifice a comparable corporate army, an army enthusiastic to grounds it constitutes nothing less than a Republican Guard which is the most imperative and unnerving book about the death throes of U. S. egalitarianism in the estimative coverage about how insane Bush privatization efforts, not an iota is more worrying than the corporatizing of military struggle forces.Jeremy Scahill admirably exposes a overwhelming example of this baleful scheme, the source says that the only person interested in the privatization of the military is president Bush due to the advantages that we will gain from hang oning the military force in the course of the Iraq fight. This engrossing investigative piece exposing, in shocking detail, a U. S. government-outsourced Frankenstein binge with helicopter gunships may leave you unconvinced. But you better believe it, for it poses a grave and gathering danger to the incomi ng of our Republic.According to Ray McGovern, CIA veteran and former intelligence briefer for George H. W. Bush, in this terrorizing and thrillingly written book, Jeremy Scahill initiates us to the shape of things to come, and to the kind of people and conglomerates apt to preside over our lives if we dont do something marvelous about it promptly. According to research from the writer Jeremy Scahills comprehensive research and reporting elevates the shroud off the ever-tightening relationship among the federal official administration and unaccountable private military corporations such as Blackwater USA.This flake of mercenary army has no whatsoever reason to have this type of civilian military organization due to its relationship with the US government which is considered to be of intrinsic danger and moral conflicts involved in the using of public funds to engage a clandestine corporation which exists to generate profit to addition and to supersede the military in its role to e ndow with for the common defense. Alarming issues leap to mind like a panther springing upon its prey.Moreover the Social Darwinists sitting atop the food chain in the wealthiest, most powerful nation in humanitys history directly have access to their own paramilitary force. They can loosen their private army on the unfit when the need arises, whether it be within Americas borders or otherwise. New Orleans is a prime example. 150 highly trained Blackwater quasi-military professionals openly armed with assault weapons descended on a tragedy-stricken city. As hurricane victims taking necessities were called looters and shoot to kill orders were in effect, those who value property over people power saw to it that their interests were well-protected.Thankfully, Blackwater was there to protect the patrician class from the savages from the Lower Ninth Ward who had the audacity to attempt survival also Blackwaters global presence includes Iraq, where the murder of four of their employee s triggered the US militarys revengeful attack on Fallujah in which it committed scandalous war crimes and mayhem against hundreds of Iraqi civilians. Why the four Blackwater contractors were near Fallujah the day of their deaths be unclear. The mainstream media, Blackwater and the US government claim that they were on security detail shielding a food delivery.However, some suggest that the claims of protecting a food go were a ruse to cover the fact that Blackwater employees were completing a military operation. While the facts remain ambiguous, it is certain that the conventional medias description of the Blackwater victims as civilian contractors was importantly inaccurate, this led to the Blackwaters license to operate in Iraq being revoked by the Iraqi Government on September 17, 2007, resulting from a highly contentious incident that occurred the previous day during which seventeen (initially reported as eleven) Iraqis were killed.The fatalities occurred date a Blackwater P rivate Security Detail (PSD) was escorting a convoy of U. S. State Department vehicles en highroad to a meeting in western Baghdad with United States Agency for International Development officials. The US State Department has said that innocent support was lost. An anonymous U. S. military official was quoted as saying that Blackwaters guards opened fire without provocation and used excessive force, the incident has sparked at least 5 investigations, with the FBI now saying it will begin a probe.Blackwater helicopters were dispatched to evacuate the Polish ambassador following an insurgent assassination attempt. On October 2, 2007 Erik Prince was subject to a congressional hearing conducted by the Committee on Oversight and Government domesticize following the controversy related to Blackwaters conduct in Iraq and Afghanistan. Blackwater hired the public relations firm BKSH & Associates Worldwide, a subsidiary of Burson-Marsteller, to help Prince prepare for his deposition at t he hearing. Robert Tappan, a former U. S.State Department official who worked for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad, was one the executives handling the account. BKSH, a self-described bipartisan headed by Charlie Black, a prominent Republican political strategist and former chief spokesman for the Republican National Committee, and Scott Pastrick, former treasurer of the Democratic National Committee. The case went on until when testifying before Congress came and Prince complained about the lack of remedies his company has to deal with employee misdeeds.When asked why an employee involved in the killing of a vice-presidential guard incident had been whisked out of the country he replied, We cant flog him, we cant incarcerate him. Asked by a member of Congress for financial information about his company, Prince declined to provide it. Were a private company, and theres a key word there private, he later stated that the company could provide it at a future date if quest ions were submitted in writing when the term mercenaries was used to describe Blackwater employees, Prince objected, characterizing them instead as loyal Americans.A Committee on Oversight and Government Reform staff report based largely on internal Blackwater e-mail messages and State Department documents, describes Blackwater as being staffed with reckless, shoot-first guards who were not everlastingly sober and did not always stop to see who or what was hit by their bullets. A staff report compiled by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on behalf of Representative Waxman questioned the cost-effectiveness of using Blackwater forces instead of U.S. troops. Blackwater charges the government $1,222 per day per guard, equivalent to $445,000 per year, or six times more than the cost of an equivalent U. S. soldier, the report alleged, during his testimony on Capitol Hill, Erik Prince disputed this figure, saying that it costs money for the government to train a soldi er, to house and feed them, they dont just come prepared to fight. That sergeant doesnt represent up naked and untrained, Prince stated.In the wake of Princes testimony before Congress, the US House passed a bill in October, 2007 that would make all private contractors working in Iraq and other combat zones subject to prosecution by U. S. courts and Senate Democratic leaders have said they plan to send similar legislation to President Bush as soon as possible. The legal status of Blackwater and other security firms in Iraq is a subject of contention, before he left Iraq L.Paul Bremer sign-language(a) orderliness 17 giving all Americans associated with the CPA and the American government immunity from Iraqi law. A July 2007 report from the American Congressional Research Service indicates that the Iraqi government still has no authority over private security firms contracted by the U. S. government. On October 5, 2007 the State Department announced new rules for Blackwaters armed guards operating in Iraq. Under the new guidelines, State Department security agents will accompany all Blackwater units operating in and around Baghdad.The State Department will also install video surveillance equipment in all Blackwater armored vehicles, and will keep recordings of all radio communications between Blackwater convoys in Iraq and the military and civilian agencies which supervise their activities.Also on September 23, 2007, the Iraqi government said that it expects to refer criminal charges to its courts in connection with a injection involving Blackwater guards. However, on October 29, 2007, immunity from prosecution was granted by The U. S. State Department, delaying a criminal inquiry into the Sept. 16 deadly shooting of 17 Iraqi civilians. directly afterwards, the Iraqi government approved a draft law to end any and all immunity for foreign military contractors in Iraq, to overturn Order 17.The U. S. Department of Justice also said any immunity deals offered t o Blackwater employees were invalid, as the department that issued them had no authority to do so. Legal specialists say that the U. S. government is incredible to allow a trial in the Iraqi courts, because there is little confidence that trials would be fair. Contractors accused of crimes abroad could be tried in the United States under either military or civilian law however, the applicable military law, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, was changed in 2006, and appears to now exempt State Department contractors that provide security escorts for a civilian agency.Prosecution under civilian law would be through the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act, which allows the extension of federal law to civilians supporting military operations however, according to the deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Departments criminal course of instruction Robert Litt, trying a criminal case in federal court would require a secure chain of evidence, with police securing the crime scene immediately, while evidence gathered by Iraqi investigators would be regarded as suspect.To conclude the Backwaters should not have this type of civilian military organization in any part of the world including in the U. S. A because it is too costly especially to the Government of president Bush including the civilians who get to pay a lot to taxes to keep the military running. The innocent people dying all over the world where the mercenary army controls is an abuse of the human rights especially in Iraq, Bagdad and Somalia. References 1. www. blackwaterusa. com/new/btwarchive. html 2. Blackwater by Jeremy Scahill 2007 by Jeremy Scahill.
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